• warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 275.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 278.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 275.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 278.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/themes/newsflash014/themes/newsflash/template.php on line 28.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 275.
  • warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/theme.inc on line 278.
  • warning: Parameter 2 to views_rss_views_feed_argument() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/vhosts/acervonotarios.com/httpdocs/includes/module.inc on line 407.
A fin de que los interesados se coordinen con los responsables y participen en las ponencias que presentará México auspiciadas la Asociación Nacional del Notariado Mexicano, A. C. en los próximos dos grandes eventos internacionales, a continuación se presentan los temas académicos, su desglose y los coordinadores internacionales y nacionales conocidos hasta ahora.

Asociación Nacional del Notariado Mexicano